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Career Cruising for K-12 empowers
educators at the state, district, and
school level to inspire students
by providing them a pathway to a
successful future that begins today.

Successful Transitions
Students face many transitions during their academic
career, changing schools, leaving high school, entering
the workforce to name a few. Prepare them for these
changes by helping them find a strong fit, make
informed choices and plan ahead to ensure these
transitions are successful.

Student Engagement & Achievement
Every individual has different aspirations, goals, and
methods for achieving them. An individualized plan
focused on strengths and interests provides each
person a unique path to reach their goals. Recognizing
a tangible end goal allows students to see how their
work today connects to future success, keeping them
engaged and motivated to achieve.

Every Student Future Ready
For a person to be successful, they must be engaged in
discovering who they are, what fits them, and be excited
about their future. Today’s students will encounter
opportunities and career options we may not even be
able to think of today, so it’s important we prepare them
to be adaptable, and capable of understanding where
their interests may lead. They need to understand how
to seek out opportunities that exist and how to make
their aspirations a reality. We must prepare them to be
future ready.

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